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Incest The Incestuous Encounters of a 'Bahu' - Adultery, Incest

Nayan Radhee

Update 34 Subhash goes to fill water and talks to Neha

Then one day, in the morning when the garage owner came, he was standing on the road just opposite Neha’s house. Neha, from inside saw him. She kept standing for a while to see what he will do, she was still in her nighty and it had only thin straps over her shoulders and her boobs were very much seen. She felt that the man was wishing to get in their yard but was hesitating. Neha wished to help him thinking that he was may be wishing to come to take water but was hesitating, so she opened a window which faced the road and looked at him, the man did a sign with his head to Neha and Neha did same with a casual smile just to be polite. The moment Neha opened the window, she had to lean with her left hand on one side and with one hand opened the window and while doing so, all her underarms were seen from the road, plus her cleavage too, the white parts of her bare arm and armpit were all to the view of that man. The man felt being invited by Neha.

But when after opening the window Neha disappeared inside the house, that man went inside his garage to carry on with his works. The three other men came and they were working but their eyes were only on Neha’s yard, especially to the part she washed clothes where the tap was situated.

Among those three one who was 27 years old was very keen of Neha and he was the one who looked at her the most with lusty eyes and he desired her that was clear. He talked about her with the other men. Once he talked to the other two saying, “she is a damn hot young woman dear! She is sexy and she lives all alone, she does not have any child or anyone around. She is a very good prey of all of us you see dudes!”

It was then that their boss, the owner heard them talking and added, “Stop talking a lot, do get her first then you talk. Will you be able to conquer her in the first place?” The young man proud of his prowess said yes he will do it. Then the boss told him, “okay then if you succeed let me know I will go too then. She is really superb!” The other workers then laughed.

The fact was that the boss himself longed to get her for his own since the day he heard them talking of her and since that day that he also started looking at Neha.

Now the young man, named Subhash saw Neha coming out to wash clothes and he took his bottle and went in. Neha was bending over the washing stone, was in a skirt and T-shirt in which the form of her beautiful round breasts were so appealing, and Subhash got to see her by the back when he got in. Her ass was looking very well preserved as the skirt was so well collated to her hips and ass, displaying her figure so with exactitude. Subhash’s organ inflated inside his pant and he go to use his hands to put it in not disturbing position. When he almost reached the tap which was near Neha, she turned back to see him coming and she left a smile looking at him, only to show being courteous. And Subhash neared her to fill his bottle; he had brought three in all to fill. And he gathered some guts to talk to her.
He - It’s so nice of you to give us water everyday bhabhi ji.

She – never mind, it’s just nothing.

He- nearing his elbow to her ass, “We feel too thirsty, here, when we will get water there then I am sure we will no longer use this much water! While he spoke that, his elbow touched Neha’s ass to the full. He was delaying to fill the bottles so that he could stay for longer time. Now Neha was washing the clothes and every time had to bend completely down to rinse the soaped cloth in a tub containing water. Each time she did that, her t-shirt moved fast and her arousing boobs could clearly be seen with parts of her black bra and its straps. The white boobs in the black bra, and the motifs on the side of the bra, gave a very sensuous look to her body and any man would get a hard on. Subhash too had a very hard erection and he got to manage it with his hands which Neha found him doing. She just smiled to herself stealing a look at him, and she re-stood up in the washing position on the stone.

Subhash left the place and hurried to the garage to relate the episode to his boss and friends. And from her place Neha was watching him go still holding her laugh, and she laughed loudly when he was gone thinking the poor chap got an erection watching her boobs! She tried to watch the men as she was sure Subhash will go to relate all to his friends, and in fact she found him gathered around them, including the boss and he was explaining with the movements of his hands pointing to his chest and moving down like Neha did when rinsing the clothes.

Neha understood that he went to relate how he got a hard on while watching her that way. There the boss and the other friends were looking at Neha’s direction on hearing the events related by Subhash. The boss told Subhash, “If despite your presence there she bent down to rinse the clothes means she knows it very well that you were watching her breasts and bra. And the way you are saying she smiled after seeing you dressing your dick in your pant means that she understood all and she did not mind that. So my friend you are getting that young lady. Carry on with your flirts with her you will soon be on her bed with her.” On hearing that Subhash emptied the water on the soil and said he is going again there. They encouraged him to go.

Neha also was expecting that he will soon return. And yes he did. Neha asked, “What happened?” he replied, “The bottle fell down and the water got split so I need another fill.” Neha knew all his roles and just smiled and watched him filling the water but intentionally this time she did not bend down but stood up watching him with a mischievous smile on her face. When Subhash found that she was standing he felt disappointed and the bottle was filled already and he looked in her face and asked, “You will not wash bhabhi ji?” Neha gave a grin and said, “I will” And Subhash did not know what to do now as per his plan it was a flop, so he got an idea. He said, “May I sit down a bit, and smoke a cigarette before I leave bhabhi ji?” she told him, he can. So appreciating her hospitality he placed himself in front of her and sat on the floor over his legs and lit a cigarette and started watching her with a grin, and Neha continued washing and had a chat.

She asked, “Where do you live?” He replied, “In the city 50 kms from here.” Neha then asked, “Are you married?” And he had a smile and replied, “Oh no, my girlfriend betrayed me and eloped with another older man!” Neha Laughed and looking in his face said, “Oh my God, why did she prefer an older man than you? You had surely not been fair to her!” This encouraged Subhash to talk more intimately to her as he found her laughing like an old friend with him, he said, “I don’t understand, why she did that, tell me bhabhi, being a girl, would you prefer an older man than a young, handsome man like me?” Neha then bent down to rinse with a pleasant smile, to let her cleavage be visible to him, and replied, “Well it depends! If the old man is gentle and caring plus affectionate so it can be!”
Subhash, was excited on hearing her answer and thought she may be a lover of old men too.... and he stared at her soft boobs hanging in her t-shirt as if they will soon get out of the bra.....

To be continued........
Update 35 Subhasah Flirting With Neha

Subhash was excited on hearing her answer and thought she may be a lover of old men too.... and he stared at her soft boobs hanging in her t-shirt as if they will soon get out of the bra.....

And Subhash was erect again and still staring inside her T-shirt he asked, “And you bhabhi, have you been married for long?” She redressed her waist by standing to transfer the rinsed clothe to another tub and replied, “It’s the ninth month that I am married here, why did you ask?” Subhash answered, “Oh, just like this. So you live only with your husband here?” Neha by then was rubbing another cloth over the stone and by that movement, Subhash watched her boobs moving to and fro inside her T-shirt and he wished if only he could see those breasts dangling without a bra and he could have a watch.

His cigarette finished, he neared her to rinse his hands under the running tap, and his body rubbed against her while he intentionally stood to the same position to feel her and talked, “You did not tell me bhabhi, only you two live here?” She tried to move a bit away from his body touch, but could not as there was no space and she answered him, “No my father-in-law and a brother-in-law too live together.” And Subhash dared to ask her, “Can I dry my hands on your skirt bhabhi please?” Neha did not reply this but only looked at him, and he rubbed his hands on her thighs as if drying them, and he felt her thighs, and he quietly moved his hands a bit inner towards her softer intimate parts and caressed it. To that Neha moved and said, “It’s dried already now!” And Subhash plucked the courage to say, “Bhabhi you are a very beautiful woman, I feel attracted to you. Please allow me to give you a little kiss.”

Neha was not that surprised when he said that as she was very well understanding what he was up to, but she pretended to be astonished and stood straight and said, “You have guts you, young man! We do not even know each other and you ask to give me a kiss?” By then Subhash was very close to her and took her hand delicately in his and moved his face very close to her cheeks and was about to kiss her cheeks when Neha moved to look back at the garage direction if the other persons were watching, and Subhash missed the cheek. And Neha pulled her hands from his saying, “Your friends must be looking for you there, you go now.” But Subhash at that time placed his hands on both sides of her thighs and was nearing his face to her neck, sniffing her hair and said, “You smell so good bhabhi, please let me kiss your soft cheeks for once only.” Neha, with her hands, pushed back her hair which was coming to her face as she was bending over the washing stone, by that time Subhash’s hands had moved up to almost her breast, in a caressing way, and Neha shivered and said, “Okay only one kiss and you go away.” Subhash then very softly put his lips to her cheek, meanwhile, his hand's fingers touched her boobs over the T-shirt, and he kissed the cheek, and pressed the boobs hard which made Neha say,” Ouch, you naughty! Go away now. Happy??” And Subhash proud on his success bit his lips with a large smile looking in her face, brushed his hands on her ass and started moving his steps to leave saying “ Very happy bhabhi, thank you for the sweet kiss, but it would have been even better if you kissed me back!” Neha replied, naughtily “No, I do not kiss naughty persons like you who do not listen, and who touches a woman everywhere on her body like this!” And on this Subhash like a spoiled child, put his hand fully over her breasts and squeezed them before running away from there, turning back to look at her with a mischievous smile. When he did that Neha threw her hand to hit him, but she missed and he, jerked away and which made Neha blush and laugh. Neha found in him all the naughtiness of Pravind. He was behaving exactly like him. And she continued thinking of Pravind and comparing this Subhash to the other ways of approach to a woman.

Back in the garage, Subhash was encircled by the others including the boss and he was relating his exploits. Neha from her washing stone looked there once or twice and saw him being encircled and she knew he must be telling them how he is a successful gallant! But then Neha thought, then the other men also will want to try her the same way?! Then she thought he will not give all the details to the others....

After about half an hour Neha started to hang the washed clothes on the strings in the yard and from there she was closer to the garage and they were looking at each other every now and then and Subhash was signalling her with his hands and fingers in gallant ways, and Neha was only smiling at him. When she was bending to pick the clothes from the tub which was on the soil, all the four men were staring at her boobs in the black bra and the straps..... Neha carelessly continued the job, still looking at the garage’s side and she found all 4 men watching at her, but she did not care.......

To be continued............................

Awesome marvellous hit exciting update

Husein Ali

Update 37 Gyan gets in her house for tea

His eyes went on Neha’s sexy, envious, desirable nighty, the straps over her shoulder, he noticed it at one go that she was not wearing a bra, the points of her nipples were hitting the flimsy dress....... her bare white beautiful arms and soft parts of her cleavage......Gyan got an erection in his pant and Neha on seeing him looking with lusty eyes, put one hand over her chest and kindly re-asked, ‘you need something’ in a soft voice bending her head down. It was then that Neha realised that she was in her nighty in front of a stranger and her body was arousing the man. She tried to be kind and generous in the sense of helping as the man was a newcomer in her village, but at that moment after seeing the looks of the man she felt disturbed and shame invaded her self. She did not come in front of him with any thoughts like that. She very kindly, only wished to help and tried to be helpful to someone who is a complete stranger to that place..... But she felt things were going in the wrong way and she pulled the door closed.

By then Gyan understood that there were no men in the house or else they would have come to see who was at the door. So he talked back, while Neha pulled the curtain to cover her bare parts which were visible and listened to him. And Now Gyan was confident, he no longer stammered and thinking of the way yesterday she had received Subhash, he talked, “You see, I left home too early and have not had tea, so if I could get a cup of tea please.”

On hearing that Neha felt sorry and thought she was imagining things in vain and the man was only wishing to have tea, she opened back the door and generously asked him in, and said, ”Oh! Yes, why nor, just a minute, I will serve you tea, it's still hot as I just served my husband and family members. Please be seated.”

She walked in the corridor towards the kitchen while Gyan sat on the couch in the lounge, and he watched her back, the triangular form of her panty was visible through the flimsy nighty she had worn. Neha on her part showed innocence as she thought the man only needed a cup of tea and had no bad intentions. From the kitchen, she heard Gyan asking, “Your family members have already left for work, they leave very early?” She answered sweetly trying to be casual and friendly to a stranger whom she was pitying and serving tea replied, “Hmm, yes they go to the fields, so by before 6 they leave the house every day, someday even before that.” Gyan was arranging his erect cock in his pant when Neha walked in with the cup of tea in her hand which she submitted to him putting a hand over her chest to prevent the nighty hang to let her boobs be seen. Gyan started sipping the tea and his eyes were on her body staring from tip to toe. Neha stood there expecting him to return the cup after finishing the tea.

She tried to talk so as to break the silence which was disturbing when she noticed his eyes lingering her body. She asked, “How come you came so early today?” Gyan was in no mood to talk worldly matters but only wished to hold her in his arms. But though he replied, “Oh I was not able to sleep well last night I had a nightmare and so woke up quite early.” He finished the tea gave her the cup which she took and walked towards the kitchen, and in the corridor, she heard steps coming behind her..... She did not turn but quickened her steps and when she reached the sink where she kept the cup she was held from behind by the strong arms of Gyan. She shivered and her heartbeats fastened, and she angrily said, “What’s wrong with you Mister? Leave me or else I will scream!” Gyan’s dick was rubbing on her butt and his mouth was roaming over her cheeks and neck, moving the nighty’s straps his tongue licking her bare arms she was struggling in his enlaced in his strong dark arms......

Neha was becoming furious and loudly ordered. “Will you leave me or do I shout?” Gyan answered forcing his dick to her butt, “Who on earth will hear you here darling? Such a sensual woman like you needs a cock like mine to enter you, I am longing for you since the first day I saw you here sweetheart, let me enjoy a bit baby...you will love it, just give it a chance my love!” And by then his both hands started brutally fondling her round firm breasts over her flimsy nighty, his cock still in his jeans continued savagely rubbing to her butt, she was trying to sit but he was too strong and lifting her up each time that she was trying that movement... it was going very very fast all these happenings... after that Neha started in a pleading voice, “Please leave me, I am not that type of woman, I am married and my husband is a nice person, look I have been kind to serve you tea, I give you all water every day, please don’t do that to me...”

to be continued.................

Super fantastic bhai

Husein Ali


Update 38 Gyan Succeeded With Neha

Gyan did not listen at all and continued in his doings and he was at that time lifting her nighty and his dark big hand was roaming over the white soft skin of her thighs, till it reached her panty which he was trying to pull down, but Neha moved hard to prevent him removing it, by then one strap of her nighty had fallen to her arm and Gyan was licking the soft part near her armpit, and he sucked that part to leave a red snap, he drank the juice provided by the suck of her soft skin... They were still in the standing position and Neha was moving hard in his grip to get out but she was unsuccessful as Gyan was too big and strong....

Gyan said,

“Why al these dramas baby? You are a married woman and you know what it is to receive a cock in your pussy, you do enjoy it with your husband hmmm? So lets do it with me too, you will enjoy it I bet sweety, come on, stop struggling like this, come on, lets go to your bedroom,”

And he lifted her up in his arms like a small child and started walking in the corridor..... Neha got tired by struggling and found that he will not let go without fucking her and she surrendered....... while he was carrying her still in the corridor, he did not know which room to open and Neha herself from his arms opened her room’s door....Gyan felt amused and understood he was now accepted because she opened the bedroom’s door herself......

Once in the room, Gyan put Neha on the bed, she sat, and he started taking out his clothes very quickly. Neha sat there watching him, moving up the fallen strap of her nighty from her shoulder...... The on seeing his big round belly she giggled and said,

“I have never seen such a big belly in my life!”

and laughed. Gyan was removing his underwear and said, wait and tell me if you have seen this one, and he held his big dark, long erect cock in his hand and pointed it towards her...Neha put a hand to her face looking at the cock and gasped,

“oh! Its biiiiig!”

And happily, Gyan, on seeing her in a nice mood, brought his dark cock near her mouth as she was sitting. Neha looked in his eyes, twisted her nose, mocked him and holding that cock in her white tender hand said,

”You naughty man! You would have raped me if I would not have given up isn’t it?”

He smiled gladly and said with a hiss,

“take it baby, take it in your sweet mouth it is eager to feel your warm touch there.....”

Neha caressed it all along till his balls and bent her head to lightly run her tongue over the tips first, got it moistened, then slowly slide it in her mouth....

Gyan hissed and stood up over his toes excited and groaned,

“aaghghg!! Yessss, yes baby, take it full in your mouth, suck it, sssssshshshshsh...suck it well baby....”

Neha started moving her head giving a good suck and felt wetting down her panty.... she was going on sucking and twisting her body as she was becoming horny by then, and Gyan moved up her nighty over her hips at the same time that she was continuing sucking, he pierced his finger in her wet sticky panty to make her give a moan with the continuation of the suck........

And after a while of getting sucked, Gyan sat down on the floor, parted the legs of Neha, put his head in between and started licking her wet pussy...she was flowing her liquid on his touch.... and Gyan with apetit drank her juices, which made Neha giving moans and sharp hisses......She held his head in both her hands, opened her legs well apart and enjoyed his sucking.... then gradually, Gyan removed her panty and pulled out her nighty to make her nude, she was still sitting naked in front of him, and Gyan admired that white and partly pink flesh of Neha.... then he mounted over the bed, he also all naked and took Neha in his arms tenderly, and his tongue opened way in her mouth and they both started drinking juices of each other’s tongues...... their arms were around each other’s shoulders, and Neha’s fingers were caressing his dark skinned back, which made a big contrast of black and white colour....

And soon they were both lying over the bed and Gyan was over her, her legs parted apart and he was penetrating his cock into her wet pussy, and as it entered Neha gave a moan with a hiss and stretched her whole body twisting like a moving snake... Gyan also was hissing while enjoying the fuck and her delicate body which he was only yesterday admiring from the garage......

The fuck continued and neha was moaning louder and louder with sharp voice while Gyan accelerated the blows one after the other, he was sweating and Neha was kissing his sweat, and licking his skin...and suddenly she clutched him strongly and moaned loudly saying,

“Yes, yes...aaaaahhh I am reaching my orgasm, fuck harder, harder, don’t dtop.... ssshshshshshsh..... oH my God! Its superb, I like it...why was I refusing you? Its so goooooooooooooooood...aaaaaaaahahahah....”

And she rested her head over his shoulder biting him and sucking his skin. Gyan also started groaning while he was about to ejaculate,

“A a shh aghaghagh, shshshshshs yesssssssssss,”

And he took out his dick fast from the pussy andbrought it to her mouth, and shot the thick liquid over her breasts and cheek, part of it went over her forehead, which she wiped off..... And he put his cock to her mouth and she wiped the rest of the cum with her tongue, looking him in his eyes with a mischievous smile..........................

To be continued.............................

Just fantastic and too hot

Husein Ali

Update 39 Gyan And The Roleplay

Gyan, after feeling pleased by discharging, over Neha, and very happy by the way she sucked the last drop of his shots, then bent over her to take her mouth in his and kissed her lovingly. It all happened within only 15 minutes...... He then took his underwear put it on him and sat on the bed by her side while she was pulling her nighty to wear. He asked her,

“You never wear your Bra at night?”

She smiled at him replying,

“No, it should not be worn at night to ease the breasts to be free and then husband also gets it free!"

Gyan, sat close to her and said, why are you wearing the dress, let me appreciate your nude body more. She said,

“Why, all this time did not you appreciate it?”

then Gyan after glancing at his watch said,

“But it’s still too early! Only 15 minutes we did all this! What to do now?”

Neha while pulling the strap over her shoulder found the red mark made by his suck, exclaimed,

“Look, my father-in-law and brother-in-law will notice this, what have you done!”

She immediately realised that she mentioned the wrong names and blushed, correcting,

“I mean my husband will ask questions!”

Gyan thought for a moment then asked staring in her face,

“You just said ‘your father-in-law and brother-in-law’!! hmmm! What’s up? They will look there under your armpits almost? They also get access there to view? They are lucky men!!”

Neha got out of the bed saying she was going to pee, and added,

“I just missed it by saying so. And by the way when I am in my nighty in the early morning to prepare their food, won’t they find this dark red spot? It is visible on my fair skin! This is what I meant”

She then walked to the toilet.

Gyan felt that she was hiding things and deep in him he thought she is a horny girl and who knows, it could be that her father-in-law and brother-in-law fuck her! Thinking this Gyan felt his erection growing again and visualised her with an old man fucking her!! He thought how an old man would be happy to enjoy that young, hot body of Neha. He got very excited and was hard more and thought he can fuck her more as he had lots of time in front of him.

Neha on her side in the toilet she was thinking how she wronged by mentioning the names of the persons she should never have spoken! She thought Gyan must be thinking over it and will doubt her having incest relationship with her in-laws. She was feeling hot on thinking how she mentioned her in-laws name to him, she thought she is so much used to the in-laws that their names come first when sexual relationship is concerned.

When she was back from the toilet she was expecting Gyan to be already dressed to leave, but was surprised to see him still sitting on the bed and she noticed his underwear inflated and knew he was erect again. As soon as she was passing by near the bed, he pulled her by her hand over him and murmured,

“So you give it to your old father-in-law too....he is a lucky old man, tell me baby, you enjoy old cocks? Hmmm?”

Neha struggled in his arms objecting that it’s false and he is making accusations. Gyan, started kissing her neck again and bite her again like earlier, this time on the back of her neck, which will be covered by her long, thick hair, and Gyan continued fondling her and passing his hand all over her body and licking her all over again while trying to pull out her nighty once again.

He had soon pushed her lying over the bed again and was over her licking her neck with the straps moved down up to her breasts. His big belly was almost up over the belly of Neha and she laughed,

“Look at your big belly, it is pressing over mine and it’s tough! How could you have such a big belly! And then you are so fat! Never a fat man like you had slept with me! And never had I slept with a dark, black-skinned man like you!”

Gyan asked her,

“Tell me sweetheart, how many fair men have you slept with then? I feel it hard that you have slept with many men you cunning young woman! Have not you? You know cocks very well you, you suck so well. You are horny, you love it isn’t it?”

Neha pushed him with all her force saying,

“Stop it, I don’t like such vulgar way of talks. Why should I tell you if I have ever slept with other men? Should I? It’s my personal matter, mind you, you dark dog!”

Gyan, was amused by her way of replying and laughing held her again and asked,

“You like to be fucked by any man? Any other man, will you give your pussy to any man?”

“Shut up” Neha scolded.

By then, Gyan had already moved her straps down to her belly and was kissing her swollen breast, passing his tongue making circles on her nipples, and she was twisting with little cute moans in an angry way as if pushing him....

Gyan was enjoying the moments and said, looking in her beautiful eyes,

“Look, let’s play a game.”

“What game?”

Neha asked.

He replied,

“Let me be your father-in-law and you are my son’s wife and I am wishing to fuck you but you are objecting but I force you to be fucked!”

she said,

“No! I won’t do that.”

He was very excited again and hissed in a lustful way said,

“Come on please participate. You will see it will be wonderful and you will enjoy it.”

She asked,

“What’s the difference anyhow you will do it”

He answered,

“there will be a big difference if you play my daughter-in-law, I want you to be natural, act like a natural daughter in law in the house and I will be the old father-in-law whom you will come to serve tea in this room and I will hold you on the bed...”

Neha was reluctant, but he took her out of the bed and, put on her dress again and asked her to go out and come in again by calling him ‘father’.

Neha annoyed asked,

“what’s all this man?”

he said with great excitement in his voice,

“do it just do it. I will be lying on the bed in this underwear only and you will get in with a cup of tea dressed in your nighty and I will want to fuck you and you will refuse but I will force you, you must go on struggling by refusing but I will succeed to fuck, you will surrender only at the last moment when you will be nearing your orgasm....come on, go back and you come in again, and come with a real cup of tea, I want to make it feel real.”

Despite not willing to do that Neha obeyed.

She tried to put her in the role of a good, daughter-in-law who has never been touched by any other man except her husband and went to bring tea for her father-in-law. She tried to put herself in the shoes of those personae. Gyan took a paper in his hand as if he was reading on the bed.

She knocked and asked,

“Father, may I come in?”

Gyan had not told her to do that, and was happy that she was improvising. He answered,

“Yes, beti, please come in.”

And as soon as she got in with the tea, he stared in her face and looked at her body from tip to toe, and glanced through her flimsy dress. Neha was feeling like laughing as she was acting. And she placed the cup of tea near him. And said,

“here is your tea father”

Gyan said

“Look at my underwear and feel ashamed, then look in my eyes with shame.”

Neha did same. She deep in her felt it was true, that she was the BAHU of this man and was seeing him on the bed with his underwear and his dick erect in it. And she really blushed and looked away. When she did that, Gyan took her hand and pulled her over him. Neha deep in the role play said,

“Father what is this ugly manner! Leave my hands!”

Gyan was pleased and put his arms around her saying,

“Oh my lovely, sexy hot. Beti, today this father-in-law wants you. Come, please to this old father of yours.”

Neha hit him and struggled to get out of his grip, and Gyan got to stand up to hold her as she was becoming violent..... a big struggle took place and Neha was going on struggling and hiting him, and Gyan started moving up her nighty running his hands over her legs and things, kissing her shoulder, running his tongue over her cheeks, her hair flung open, scattered all over her body. It was looking a real fight like scene and Neha sat down on the floor to prevent him from lifting up her dress, while Gyan was still holding her firm in his arms, continuing caressing her and he groaned these words,

“You come to serve your father-in-law tea in this flimsy nighty, without a bra, showing me your tits and you want me not to do this? You are inviting me to see your sexy hot, body and breasts....so here you are sexy beti....”

and he pulled out her nighty with force that the straps got broken and was torn at some parts. Gyan was now doing it violently and Neha was participating very well like being really attacked by her father-in-law.

They were both living the roles. Gyan then lifted her in his strong arms and threw her over the bed. Neha covered her breast with her hands and turned over her belly to hide them. She was with only her panty and all her back was naked...Gyan kissed her back, run his tongue all over her spine, she moved and returned to hit him on his face, Gyan held both her hands, and forced them at the back and put his mouth over her breasts and savagely kissed and licked them, and neha shouted,

“Father, shame on you! What are you doing, I am your daughter-in-law, I am like your own daughter, what devil is in you?”

“I want to fuck this daughter in law, now shut up and get fucked!”

said Gyan and pulled her panty out, and removed his underwear and rubbed his dark, black hard cock over her pussy while she was still struggling and, he moved the dick over her breasts and massaged them with the dick, then at last forced the cock in her pussy.... she was yet still struggling with the cock in her pussy ... Gyan pushed her head pressed over the bed and started giving blows harder and harder in her pussy, while Neha was still trying her best to get that cock out of her by moving her hips sideways......


“Oh, I am tired now.” And sighed.... Gyan was going on with the blows enjoying her pussy and kissing her neck then her breasts....Neha stood still for a while then moved hard once more and his cock was out... Neha tried to stand up, but Gyan pulled her by the back and she lay flat over her back on the bed, and Gyan facing her ass...wished to fuck her ass.... and he parted both her legs with force sideways and put his cock on the beginning of the opening of her ass, she looked back at him and shouted,

“No!! Not there,”

but Gyan, spat on the hole and introduced his big cock in it and violently started giving blows.... NEHA MOANED AND MOANED WITH HISSES AND WHINES AND SOBS.... but Gyan was feeling so good with his cock doing to and fro in her tight ass...the more she was moaning the more Gyan was feeling good and enjoying it.... and at last Neha lay flat under him exhausted, when Gyan groaned loudly like a lion,


And Neha complaining,

“Father, it’s very bad, you should not have done this. Very bad of you, what face shall I show your son now father??”

And after a while, both laughed, and Neha said she really enjoyed that.......

To be continued...................

Going fantastic casi bro
Keep it up.
Great job


The Incestuous encounter of a 'Bahu'
by Casinar

The Incestuous Encounters of a 'BAHU'
Update 1
It starts.Pravindra approaches His Bhabi Neha

She was married to Ravindra when she was only 18 years old. Ravindra was living in a remote village and was a labourer, living with his father and younger brother Pravindra. Their mother was no more. Ravindra's father got him married although he was only 19 years old because he needed a woman in the house to do the house chores etc. Ravindra was a reserved type of person and had a sort of neurologic problem. When he faced difficult situations his hands and fingers started shaking along with his head and he blushed and
perspired. He inherited this from his late mother. His wife's (the bahu) name was Neha. She was more intelligent and developed than Ravindra. She was educated. Her father accepted to get her married because Ravindra's father had lots of lands under sugar cane cultivation and he had a 4x4 and had lots of money though they were labourers family.

The first day after their wedding, the relatives of Pravindra asked women relatives to check the bed sheet as it was a custom to verify either the bride is a virgin or not. If she was a virgin blood stain would be found on the bed sheet. This is the way people were undergoing the next morning of their first night.

Ravindra's father was in doubt either he would succeed to have sexual intercourse or not as he could not face difficult circumstances. Even the day they went to see the girl he was trembling when Neha came to serve tea. His father knew his problem and all relatives believed, once that he will get married all his shaking problems will be cured.

The ladies came from his bedroom the next morning and announced that there was no blood stain found on their bed.

Later, after inquiries it was known that he had no sexual intercourse with Neha but he turned his back with her and slept.

The women talked to Neha that she should seduce him etc so that he could approach her that way......
Well, days went on yet nothing was happening..... Ravindra's father himself was going to check the bedsheet when she was going to have her morning bath...... And Pravindra knew all that was happening...he knew his elder brother was not having sexual intercourse, and he was fantasizing he could replace him on the bed at night... He was 18 years old, same as his sister-in-law.

Neha was a very beautiful girl, sexy, svelte body, lovely smile and perfect look any man would love to find in a woman. She had very nice attractive manners as well. She was seductive and looked sensual. Her lips and eyes were inviting... Her breasts had very nice proportion which any male would get attracted to even they were under clothes.....

Pravindra got friendly with her and they started teasing each other openly in the house, in the presence of his father and Ravindra. They even tapped each other and had physical contacts with hands like, hitting each other and playing with the hands, pulling her hair and she doing the same to him..... Ravindra considered that as brother-sister plays and love and the father also looked at it that way.....

Ravindra's father had a worry about their not having sexual relations...and one day after a month she talked to Neha himself. He told her to seduce his son and approach him sexually and caress him etc.... Neha blushed when he said all that but she understood that they had a problem and it had to be solved.

Days, weeks, months went by and Pravindra started looking at her viciously and wished to have her on his bed.... Every time she was going to have her bath he went to try his chance to eavesdrop. He waited for his father to move out and he seized every opportunity to be in her company... and one day he plucked courage and enlaced her from behind when she was drying her wet hair after a bath. She was shocked and pushed him asking him to behave, but he persisted and pulled her by her hand to him and she was in his arms and tried to struggle out of them, he started to run his tongue over her neck and cheeks and she was struggling to get free.... Pravindra caught hold of her mouth in his hand and was forcing her to be kissed, but she shut her mouth and he sucked her lips and said, "you are too hot bhabhi and I desire you since the first day you came in this house, Bhaiya can't please you so I will do it, what say sweet bhabhi?" Neha said "I will tell Pitaji about what you did and said" He left her and smiled "You can't do that and I know you will not do that, gradually you will come to me my darling, sweet bhabhi, I will get you someday, and I bet you will enjoy it."

to be continued............

Superb, fantastic. Wonderful.
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Update 2.
Pravindra saw her getting out of her father’s bedroom.

After that encounter with his sister-in-law, Pravind was in a little bit of worry in the evening when his father and elder brother were back home, lest Neha speaks up. They were all gathered in the lounge watching a TV serial and His eyes were not on the TV set but on Neha. She was aware and without being noticed she asked him with signals 'do I tell them what you did?' He replied 'No you won't' But Neha said 'I will' and he replied, 'Ok, go ahead, tell them and you will see what will happen to this family after that.'
And Neha loudly said addressing to the father-in-law: "Pitaji, you know what Pravidra did today?" The aged man, looked at her with inquiring eyes and asked: "What did he do bahu?" And Pravind felt hot and looked in her eyes seriously and begged her not to talk. And she mischievously said to the head of the family "He teases me a lot like a little kid, he tires me, he does not listen, he did not eat properly and like a kid, I got to make him eat, like feeding a little baby." - On hearing this the old man laughed and replied: " he is the youngest, that's why he behaves that way, he is just spoiled a bit, but he will grow up, take it easy bahu"
And she looked at Pravind with a mischievous smile and a giggle.
That smile of hers betrayed herself. Pravind thought in his mind 'there you are my sexy bhabhi, you will never betray me, you did not say what I wanted to do with you, you invented false words only to speak.... so you are in my way sweetheart.'

And he felt happy that she did not speak about his sexual behaviour towards her.
Now, days passed and every time that he was alone with her, he molested her, touched her anywhere on her body, kissed her, ran his hand over her butt, pressed her over him and all that. She usually struggles out of his grip but never let him do anything further..... Pravind went to jerk off every time after caressing her and touching her. Every time that he masturbated, he visualised Neha's body. he thought of her boobs and sexy thighs and colour of her hidden parts.
Once he saw her bending to pierce a wet cloth to get dried, and he found her beautiful, envious breasts, they were so inviting that he wished to hold them, lick them and give them a suck..... And in fact, he had on that day told her openly how far he desired to get those boobs in his hands and mouth. he held her, and struggled hard to succeed to put his mouth at the beginning of the soft parts of her breasts, and ran his tongue over them.... That's all he was able to do and she freed herself from his grip.

Days went by fast and 5 months elapsed that way.

And one night, Pravind had to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. His room was on the left and Ravindra's in the right and their father's room was just behind Ravindra's room. A corridor separated the rooms of the two brothers. That corridor led to their kitchen on one side and to the lounge on the other side. Then to reach the toilet which was outside the house he had to pass through the kitchen and open it's door to go out. but before doing this he got to pass near Ravindra's room.
So he was going to open the Kitchen's door when he heard voices in his father's room. He smiled saying ' Dad is talking all alone in his sleep!'.... But then he heard murmurs and whispers too.... he approached his dad's bedroom and heard Neha's voice saying: " I have to go now pitaji." He was amazed and started thinking what was she doing in dad's room at this time of the night. he told himself may be dad was sick and she had come to give him water, or massage his legs or something like that...... but he was intrigued and wished to see her getting out. He hides himself behind the refrigerator as the kitchen was dark at that time, and waited for her to get out.
And when the door opened, the father looked out first then said to Neha: " you may come out" And Neha came out. Pravindra was astounded on seeing her in a very flimsy nightie, with sexy straps, her boobs visible through it and she was wearing no bra, her hair flung open.....she walked sexily and went to her room and turned back to look at the father- in- law in a sexy smile and whispered 'ok, you sleep well now Pitaji.'

Pravind was all hard erect and thought- 'Oh my God!! Dad is fucking her?? And I am struggling since such a long time? No, no, no, that can't be!! I am mistaken and thinking bad because I have such filthy thoughts in my mind. There must be something else.... that can’t be.......
Wow thats exciting.
Very interesting situation


Update 3
Pravindra still after her bhabi….

Pravind went to his room after the toilet and could not sleep after what he saw. He was thinking if his dad and bhabhi are having an affair since when is that going on? How could it have started? Did his father also approach her the way he did? Did she refuse him at first then accepted? Was she in his room for sex? Or was he having such thoughts because he was like that? But why was she in her nighty? Why she was not wearing her bra? Why was she in such a very sexy nighty with thin straps? The nighty reached her upper thighs only and parts of her beautiful, sexy envious thighs were seen. Pravind was getting restless and kept on thinking till morning. He did not close his eyes at all, and he masturbated twice visualising his dad with Neha.

In the morning usually, his dad and his elder bro left home very early around 6 o'clock. At that time he usually is asleep and he wakes up by 10 of the morning as he stays at home always idle. He heard the 4x4 of his dad starting and he knew that they were leaving for the fields.

In the Sugar cane fields which they have many persons worked. The dad of pravind was a boss and owner and so they worked for him and he helped along with Ravindra. Despite his sort of handicap, Ravindra was active as a labourer and assistant boss. He knew the job very well and his dad often left him to occupy some fields with workers and he went to another of the several fields that he had. And once a while Neha was bringing food for them not every day. And the few days that she had been introduced to the fields, it was her father-in-law who had gone to take her from home in his 4x4 as she had wished to visit the fields sites, meanwhile she prepared food and brought for them. On that day Pravindra had been to the town to buy pesticides for the crops. He was not aware that Neha had been to the fields.
Now, when they left that early morning Pravind, was in a hurry to see Neha and talk to her about last night’s events which he witnessed.
He got up and went in the kitchen and found Neha waving to them outside. He went to brush his teeth, and so on. His sister-in-law on seeing him up so early remarked: "Wow, the sun has risen from the west today it seems! You are up at this hour??" He did not reply and went to his room, changed himself and had tea. While having tea his eyes were devouring her whole body from tip to toe and she was aware. She said: " You stop looking at me like that or else I will give you a good slap!"
- Really? Will you slap me Bhabhi? You won't feel sorry afterward?” said Pravind.
- No, I will not feel sorry to slap a bad boy that you are.
- And you bhabhi? Are you a good girl?
-Of course, I am, you have any doubts?

On hearing this Pravind was more in doubts of what he was thinking about what he saw last night. He thought that means that Neha had nothing to do with her dad but it was his thoughts only. He thought he will feel ashamed if he questioned her and the result would come out to be NO. So he thought not to talk about that with her but deep inside himself, he planned something. He thought he will be awake at night and keep a watch for some nights and if there is something between them, he will find out.

He moved towards her and lightly passed his hand over her butt. She moved to hit him but he escaped it. She was dressed in a two-piece. She was standing near the sink washing vessels, and she threw water over him from the tap. Pravind started playing with her, he was coming to touch her every time and running away before she could throw water on him or hit him. And when she was drying the vessels he quietly reached behind her and firmly enlaced her, his hard erect organ thrusting over her butt, and his mouth brushing on her neck and cheek. She was pushing him and struggling but he was stronger physically so he held her still and when she felt his sex rubbing on her she managed to change position and his sex started rubbing over her right thigh, and with one hand Pravind was moving up her skirt to touch her thighs but she sat down so as to prevent him doing that. He got her mouth once and ran all his tongue over and he tried to kiss her but she did not respond at all. He got tired and gave up.....

Before leaving her he said " Bhabhi I love you a lot and you know that. I will not repeat this every time, please. And Neha only smiled on his words.

When Neha was busy in her house chores, Pravin went into his father's room to look for a place from where he could see inside at night. Apart from the window in that room, there was a very thin space near the air conditioner was installed. He went outside and was not able to reach that height. He took a chair from inside, put it under the AC from outside and got on the chair to peep inside and he was very happy to be able to see the whole room of his dad.

to be continued........

Flirting with bhabi.
Romantic one